bandhanyoga's profile

Register date: May 16, 2024

United States



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Introducing the revolutionary Health problems by astrology. a tool designed to help you understand your health and well-being base...

June 20, 2024
99.00 Dollar US$
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If your question is “how to check health prediction by kundli,” you could not have been in a better place.  Fix an astrolog...

June 20, 2024
99.00 Dollar US$
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Interested in knowing about health issues solutions by birth chart? Get to know through a consultation with Dr. Vinay Bajrangi, the ast...

June 20, 2024
99.00 Dollar US$
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Have you ever felt curious about how to read birth chart? Here is the way out. Have an appointment fixed with Dr. Vinay Bajrangi, the a...

June 19, 2024
99.00 Dollar US$
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Is your friend, who is past her prime, facing unusual delay in getting married? ”Why my marriage is getting delayed” seems to be...

June 18, 2024
99.00 Dollar US$
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Have you, during a casual astrological discussion found out that you have manglik dosha present in your horoscope and absent in your husband...

June 18, 2024
99.00 Dollar US$
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Have you been trying to attend an interview for a most prestigious company job in the right muhurta and hence seeking “aaj ka rashifal...

June 18, 2024
99.00 Dollar US$
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Have you given a thought to getting the horoscope matching done before agreeing to a proposal? You have decided wisely and ge...

June 17, 2024
99.00 Dollar US$
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Is anyone you know facing emotional and physical abuse from her husband?  When all else fails, try to see the problems in married ...

June 17, 2024
99.00 Dollar US$
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Are you now in a marriageable age and getting unacceptable proposals one after the other?  Are you asking yourself ” can I m...

June 17, 2024
99.00 Dollar US$
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